Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Top 10 Largest Countries in Europe

It is seldom that we consider the size of countries, unless they are one extreme or another (largest or smallest) and it is often a surprise to realise that, for example Norway is bigger than Germany! The following is a rundown of the biggest countries in Europe, by area – read on and prepare for a few surprises!
more info:

  #1. Russia (3,960,000km²) (17,075,400km² in total, the 3,960,000km² refers to only the European part)

#02. Ukraine (603,700km²)

#03. France (547,030km²)

#04. Spain (505,992km²)

#05. Sweden (449,964km²)

#06. Norway (385,155km²)

#07. Germany (357,050km²)

#08. Finland (338,145km²)

#09. Poland (312,685km²)

#10. Italy (301,318km²)

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