Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Winners Of The 2018 Underwater Photography Competition Will Take Your Breath Away

Underwater photography opens up a dimension of Mother Earth we don't normally see. Blackwater diving and shallow reef paddling would be incredibly hard to explain if it wasn't for the vivid images people brought from beneath the surface. Celebrating the beauty of waters from all over the world, the 7th Annual Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest has just announced its winners, and the pictures speak for themselves. 01 5th Place, Portrait Category, "Face To Face" By Mirko Zanni

02 1st Place, Portrait Category, "Chimaera" By Claudio Zori

03 2nd Place, Compact Macro, "Red On Green" By Kate Tinson

04 1st Place, Cold Water, "Grey Seal Face" By Greg Lecoeur

05 2nd Place, Novice Dslr, "Smile Of A Friend" By Antonio Pastrana

06 Honorable Mention, Mirrorless Macro, "Face To Face" By Rafi Amar

07 Honorable Mention, Portrait Category, "Nemo" By Matteo Visconti

08 1st Place, Macro Ocean, "Ancistrocheirus" By Jeff Milisen

09 3rd Place, Wide-Angle Category, "Two Inquisitive Friends" By Celia Kujala

10 Honorable Mention, Portrait Category, "Curiosity" By Kyler Badten

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