Monday, April 1, 2019

10 Different Types of Kisses and What They Actually Mean

A kiss can mean so many things depending on what type of kiss it is and who it’s coming from. A kiss can be one of the most magical experiences of your life. Every kiss offers a special connection to the other person, whether it’s a kiss of friendship, passion or a warm greeting, it gives out strong vibes. Kisses are not just reserved solely for the face and there’s plenty of places where a kiss on the body is welcomed. It is said that a kiss is the expression of our souls which is why there are so many options to choose from. You will kiss your lover much differently than that of a dear friend. Here are some of the different types of kisses and what they mean. 

#1 Seductive Kiss

#2 Secret Message Kiss

#3 Lizard Kiss

#4 The Air Kiss

#5 Kiss of an Angel

#6 The Big Tease

#7 Butterfly Kiss

#8 Earlobe Kiss

#9 The French Kiss

#10 The Forehead Kiss

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